Friday, September 23, 2011

I got the music!!!!

So, today I feel like talking about music. My sister was wondering what life would be if we didn’t have it. My response? TORTURE!

You just cannot go through life musicless. It’s inconceivable. But then I got to thinking about it even further. Music has a bigger effect on people than what most people realize. It’s a way of expressing what the songwriters/players are thinking, but ALSO it’s something that expresses the people who listen to them. For example, when you are in love with someone, you tend to sing love songs. When you’re angry at someone, you tend to listen to angry music to get it all out of your system.

So, in a sense, not only is music fun and awesome to listen to, it’s healthy. It gets the brain going. Some people, like me, even have a hard time focusing on the school day ahead if there isn’t any music. Thank God for the internet!!

Speaking of music, today’s song coincidentally happens to be “Jet Lag” by Simple Plan, Ft. Natasha Bedingfield. This song is about two people who are separated by a physical distance, but they miss each other like crazy and can’t wait to be together again. I just heard this song a few days ago, and ever since then I’ve been in love with it.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Ok, so it's about time that I got my lap top, seems like I waited forever and a day. So now, whenever I have free time, I can post on here and...procrastinate! XD

So one thing that I would like to hear opinions on is online school. Is it good or bad?

Well for me, it's a good thing. I can focus more, plus the classes are the shizit! WAY more fun than public school. But there is something lacking. No more seeing friends face to face. But, while I miss my friends that i used to see every day, I find it easier to make friends online than in real life. You aren't judged right away, which something that I really rather like. I'm not gorgeous, but most of the time in real life, people would only talk to me because I'm pretty, not because I happen to like to same music or anything else that I like. It sucked, for the most part. But with online? Completely better!!

Thank God for internet.

So, song of the day is: "Hanging by a moment" by Lifehouse. Lifehouse does mostly romantic songs, but in a Rock form, so it's all good :) We've all had those moments with someone special with whom we wished time would just freeze for.

Anyways, to my few followers, have a great week, and I will post again when possible! :D

Sunday, September 11, 2011

A day to honor

These acts of mass murder were intended to frighten our nation into chaos and retreat.

But they have failed; our country is strong.

10 years.

It's been 10 years since that terrorist attack that left a major impression on we Americans. On that day, thousands of people were left missing family and friends. On that day, America mourned as a nation. And on that day, America gathered a sense of patriotism like non seen before.

This post is for those who have lost loved ones, and for those who survived it. I say this is a day that we should always remember.

"... for those of us who lived through these events, the only marker we’ll ever need is the tick of a clock at the 46th minute of the eighth hour of the 11th day."
~President George W. Bush

God Bless America.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Z.any O.nerous M.end B.asket I.dentity E.xistence S.erious= Z.O.M.B.I.E.S

So, I've decided to think ahead. You see this very nice looking sniper rifle up there? Yeah, I want one of those for when the zombies start trying to eat my face off. Just saying, you never know when it's going to happen. Better be safe than sorry, right? Of course! I was thinking about this, because in my dream last night, I was holding an M16 against my thigh, which was stupid of me I have no idear why I was dreaming that, and then it went off, leaving this giant bruise on my leg. I fell down because of that, right as the zombies started to attack. Great. I got turned into a zombie because of the freaking safety being turned off. You'd think that turning the safety off on a gun would probably save you.

Anyways, I decided that I want my arsenal to be a nice sniper rifle that I can use to shoot things from a distance, and where I won't have to completely steady it with my body, and then have a tool belt equipped with a monkey wrench, sludge hammer, butcher knives, and a machete. Can't say that I don't think ahead! :D

Now that my little zombie rant is over, I would like to point out something that is wrong with the economy: well that would be pretty much everything. These days, we 'mercans are becoming more and more uneducated, which really isn't doing us any favors. I mean, c'mon! We're getting beat by Japan and India, two countries who aren't as fortunate as us! What's the dealeo here?! Maybe we're tooo busy adding onto the National debt, which is currently 14 trillion mind you, rather than educating our own people. Does that make sense to you? It doesn't make any sense to me at all.

Gosh, the government really needs to do some re-thinking, I think.

So, song of the day is this: "Bent" by Matchbox 20. This song basically means that you should accept people how they come, even if they are "bent" and a little crazy. (like me coughcough)

And as for quote of the day, I dont have one yet XD sorry, been a busy week y'all!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

I am back (duh duh duhhhhhh)!

 Hey everyone! Long time no blog, I know. Trust me, when things get more up and running I will be blogging more :) So, summer was boring and exciting on and off. Boring because I didn't get to talk to certain people, sadly. But it was fun because I got to go see the Captain america movie, which was totally AWESOME.
Anyways, to get the year started, I'm going to list the random song of the day. Here y'all go, it's “Kristy are you doing okay?” by the Offspring. Such an awesome band, and this song really pulls the heartstrings I think. An ex bf checks to see if his ex gf is okay, not many bfs do that nowadays.
Your quote of the day is: “Live like heaven begins tomorrow, sing like no one is listening, dance like no one is watching, love like you've never been loved before.” I have no idear who came up with that, but I love it. Although, my parents get annoyed whenever I sing like no one is listening XD hahaha! Oh, and I would like to mention that I have a youtube channel!! Some of my singing is there, so if you feel like listening, check out artangel17 on youtube. later people!!

(I love this little itty bitty goat. He was trying to eat the grass on the other side because it was greener xD he sure is trying! Too bad he wasn't small enough to fit through the hole though....)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

the END IS HERE!!! D:

so, not much happened this past weekend. saw a couple of movies, drew some pics, that was just about it lol!

But alas, the school year is over, so most likely I won't be on here until next school year :( hopefully this won't expire or somethin.

To my followers, I WILL MISS YOU ALL!!

I will try my best to keep in touch with you all! :D

So, for the last time for now, I leave you with the song and words of wisdom :)

Song: "numb" by Linkin Park. This song is perfect for people who go through tough relationships. Up until recently, this song was the song of my life. But thank God it's switched tracks :D

Words: These are special, they're from me (lol!). All I gotta say is...Live life to the fullest. You never know when it's gonna end, so live it up and just have fun while you got it.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

F.U.T.U.R.E. = forever utilize tip uneasy raucous employment (For the title, I used this site that makes acronyms)

Hello to all my followers out there (even though there's only 4 XD)!! I know I know, it's been a few days since I've posted, but I have a very legit reason!! I just haven't had the time, what with recent events and major cramming because finals are next week.

Am I nervous? VERY. But alas, that's how all tests go eh? I'll be aight, I'm sure :D

Anyways, today's topic is this: the future. I was thinking about the future yesterday before I fell into sleep. Well, about MY future anyways. I've always wanted to do something artsy, like be a movie animator for Dreamworks or Pixar. Or maybe someone who makes the album art for CDs. Any of those would be awesome, and the pay pretty well.

But here's the thing I'm worried about. Yknow that phrase? “The best-laid plans of mice and men often go askew”? It's SO true. So, I've decided that in order to stay artsy and keep up to practice, I'm going to be doing some pretty intense art projects, lots of portraits, and painting a murial over the summer. Anyone else got any idears? Feel free to share :)

Since I didn't post yesterday, I'll go ahead and figure out the song, quote, and news story FOR YESTERDAY. then the song and quote for today, so you all get double the awesomeness :)


....Song: “Dead in Ditches” by Hollywood Undead. To me, this song basically says “Don't mess with me or else”. I LOVE IT!! Plus, the bands masks are pretty legit. Too bad Deuce isn't there anymore.

-”Long lost Brothers discover each other by accident!!”
A pair of brothers met up on accident on a beach in Cali. One brother asked a stranger to take a picture of him and his family posing on the beach. After the picture, the brother and the stranger got to talking, and found that they were both from the same town in Massechusetts, then kept on talking. Turns out, they had yet another thing in common: Dad. So, two brothers, who didn't even know that they had a brother, were reunited thanks to a camera!

....Quote: “If music be the food of love, play on.” ~ William Shakespeare.


....Song: “Higher” by Creed. If there was ever a song that I would suggest to anyone, this would be it, because it's talking about escaping reality, which is something that everyone should do every now and then.

....Quote: “Making mistakes is a lot better than not doing anything.” ~ Billy Joe Armstrong. FINALLY!!! Someone get's it!!!